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Almost half of the companies quizzed in a survey on digital connectivity said their broadband connection was frequently slow or unreliable.
The ‘Lancashire’s Digital Connectivity’ survey, carried out by the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, examined the importance of high speed broadband to Lancashire’s businesses.
More than 200 firms completed the online survey with 20 per cent of respondents classing themselves as ‘professional services’.
Among the other sectors represented were manufacturing and industrial (15 per cent) as well as business support (seven per cent).
In terms of broadband connectivity and speed, more than half the respondents (57 per cent) used ADSL as their main connection with BT proving the most popular single broadband provider (35 per cent).
Having concluded that half of those questioned were unhappy with their broadband speed, the survey found that 98 per cent of responses said a reliable internet connection was either very important or important to their respective businesses.
Lancashire’s Digital Connectivity – final report
Eighty-seven per cent of those questioned also admitted that the availability of high speed broadband would be either important or very important in looking for new business premises.
The vast majority (eighty-eight per cent) also acknowledged that fast internet connection was important or very important to their operation.
“We wanted to find out the state of play in Lancashire,” said Chamber President, Norman Tenray when discussing the survey.
“This report, the first of its kind for the Chamber, takes a detailed look at how its members use ICT and how important high speed internet is to these services and the long term growth of its members.
“Evidence from elsewhere shows that superfast broadband is benefitting businesses in a number of ways: improving business performance by improving productivity; saving time and money; creating and safeguarding jobs; introducing new and different ways of workings; and playing a key role in deciding where to locate.”

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