Head office | 01772 653 000

Fylde coast office | 01253 347 063

Please see below a list of career events happening in Preston this term. Please contact the schools directly on the emails provided if you are available to support.

Wednesday 18th October 22

Corpus Christi Catholic High School - Yr 8 Extended Learning Day – 9am – 2.30pm - rmat@ccc.lancs.sch.uk

5 x 1 hr sessions on the industry they represent, workshop / interactive preferably. Starting at 9am and finishing by 2:30pm with a 15 min refreshment break in the morning and a 20 min lunch break (all food / refreshment will be provided – dietary requirements needed)

 Friday 21st October 22

Moor Park High School & Sixth Form - FE/HE/Pathways Fair (Years 9-13) - j.morgan@moorpark.mp

Our traditional careers event, you are welcome to bring a stand/promotional material/banner with you. We are asking for attendees from FE, HE and apprenticeship/vocational providers. Slots will be given throughout the day. TBA

 Friday 21st October 22

Preston Muslim Girls – Year 11 mock interviews - 8.50am-12.15pm – hajra.nakhuda@pmghs.com

You will have a 15-minute slot with each pupil, who will have been prepared for a formal interview. We will provide you with a list of suggested questions (although you are very welcome to adapt this as you see fit) and a marksheet for scoring the pupil based on areas such as their appearance, how well they answer the questions, how well they express themselves etc

Thursday 24th November 22

Corpus Christi Catholic High School – Careers Fair and Interview Skills - 9am – 2.30pm – rmat@ccc.lancs.sch.uk

3-hour Careers Fair – 3 different year groups will be coming in for 1 hr each. The final 2 hours of the day will be mock interviews with opportunity for feedback to the pupils on their interview skills. 15 min break and 20 min lunch will be included. (food / refreshment will be provided – dietary requirements needed)

Thursday 24th November 22

Broughton High School – Careers Fair – 8.40am-13.20pm – lordc@broughtonhigh.co.uk

The fair will be open to all school years (7-11) and will be approx. 90 pupils attending 20-30min slots. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.

Monday 12th December 22

Christ the King – Careers Fair – 12:30pm – 3pm - careers@ctk.lancs.sch.uk

The careers fair is an in-person event, where our students in Year 9. 10 and 11 will be given a 40-minute year group time slot to move around our school hall and gather as much information about their future options/pathways/choices as possible. It is a key opportunity for them to engage with employers/training providers. This year we will also be inviting parents to come in and join year 11 students 15 minutes before the end.


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