An invitation to the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce 101st Annual General Meeting and Business Lunch is extended to all Chamber members.
The 101st Annual General Meeting of North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce will be held at The Samlesbury Hotel on Wednesday 29th November 2017 commencing at 12.00noon.
Under the Memorandum and Articles of Association an Annual General Meeting must be held for the purpose of electing Officers of the Chamber, Members of the Council, appointing Auditors, and accepting the financial statements of the business. All members of the Chamber are welcome to attend the proceedings.
All documentation for the AGM including the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31st December 2016 can be viewed/downloaded HERE.
Following the AGM a complimentary two-course lunch will be served. If you wish to attend please complete the booking form HERE and return at your earliest convenience to:
This event is free of charge to members of the North & Western Lancashire Chamber, however lunch numbers will be limited to two places per business.
Book your place