The North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Blackpool and the Fylde College present our first “Eggs and Issues” Breakfast Seminar free to Chamber member businesses and open to all U.K. businesses everywhere. to educate themselves on this important Issue!
Starting May 2017, the way training and apprenticeships are funded throughout the UK will dramatically change. Large businesses will now be required to contribute to an Apprenticeship Levy that will affect the entire process of apprenticeship for business.
Essentially this levy will most commonly be paid by employers with around 150 employees, however it will affect all business interaction with apprenticeships going forward. The Apprenticeship Levy should create greater engagement by larger employers in bringing about higher quality Apprenticeships all around but there are responsibilities and expectations that go with the benefits of the new 2017 initiative.
We are pleased to welcome Lisa Moizer from LEP as our Presenter for the Levy overview who will explain the necessary “nuts and bolts” of how the Levy will work and who it will affect.
Lisa has over 13 years’ experience of working in the skills and employment sector and now co-ordinates the development and implementation of a Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework for Lancashire, reporting to the Lancashire LEP Skills and Employment Board. She leads on apprenticeship growth and reforms for the LEP along with leading the Skills Partnerships which address each of Lancashire’s priority sectors.
Levy Apprenticeship Topics covered by Lisa will be:
- Overview of Levy Reforms
- Details of who pays and how much
- The D.A.S – a levy management portal to recruit apprentices
- The 15 Funding Bands
- Examples of Successful Apprenticeship Programs
Questions answered regarding the EMPLOYER APPRENTICESHIP LEVY:
This Apprenticeship Levy seminar will clearly explain what this levy means to you, the business owner. We will provide a full update on the key facts about the levy and will give employers the chance to ask questions from our speaker.
We are also fortunate to hear from Jonathan Holden of Forbes Solicitors who will talk about the legal implications for employing apprentices; as well as some practical tips on performance management and succession planning in this area.
Jonathan is a Partner at Forbes Solicitors, and is Head of Employment and HR; and also the National Head of the Firm’s dedicated Education Group. A Lancashire Lad, Jonathan and his team act for a wide array of business, public sector organisations and Schools nationally.
We will also have an opportunity to hear from Norman Tenray, President of the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and CEO Of OBAS Group who will have a couple “surprising” testimonials directly from their successful apprenticeship program.
Dawn Leak, Director of Employer Responsiveness from Illuminate Training Solutions of Blackpool and the Fylde College will be on-hand to discuss the opportunities for businesses to engage with apprenticeships at varying levels going forward.
We are fortunate to have this great team of experts to bring us up to speed on what to expect and how to benefit from the upcoming Apprenticeship Levy Scheme being introduced in 2017. This seminar, free to members and conditionally-free to non-members is made possible by the generous sponsorship of Blackpool and the Fylde College.
This is a service that the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and Blackpool and Fylde College would like to provide to Chamber Members and make it open for businesses across Lancashire to attend as well: valuable guidance and the chance to get your questions answered over a nice breakfast! You will leave this seminar, fully aware of what to expect in May of 2017!
You can follow LEP on Twitter for important updates to the Apprenticeship Scheme here (@lancslep)
Apprenticeship Seminar Agenda:
- Registration, light breakfast, networking
- Key facts about the Apprenticeship Levy – presentations
- Q&A panel
- Networking and one-to-one opportunities for questions.
Registration and Check in begins 8:15am for 8:30am start. For more information contact us by telephone: 01253 347063 or by email:
Members: FREE
Affiliate Members: £10 (free as one of two available taster events)
Non-Members: £20 (free as one of two available taster events)
The Hub at Blackpool and the Fylde College
Ashfield Road, Bispham, Blackpool, FY2 0HB
Book your place