Cybersecurity is increasingly an important aspect of your business, with cybercriminals always on the lookout for new opportunities and are becoming more and more sophisticated, causing financially devastating effects on the businesses they target.
Lead by MJ, Cyber Security Consultant at the Cyber Resilience Centre. MJ will be explaining the simple measures you and your business can take to ensure you are protected against the most common threats with black Friday and cyber Monday just around the corner.
We’ll also explain the simple measures you and your business can take to ensure you’re protected online, paying specific attention to recent social media scams and the emergence of brand impersonation scams.
This will include;
- Is your digital footprint available online to cybercriminals?
- How can you secure your digital footprint?
- Is data in the cloud secure?
- How do you keep laptops and mobile phones secure?
- What are OS and software updates important?
- What lessons did we learn from remote working?
Wednesday 1st September
10 – 11am
Via Zoom
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