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Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) across England “are working and beginning to make positive differences for local employers”, according to a new report commissioned by the British Chambers of Commerce.

Based on evidence from 21 of the 32-Chamber led LSIPs, the evaluation report concludes that the process is changing attitudes and encouraging more employers to collaborate and engage positively with the skills system.

The North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce is responsible for delivering the pan-Lancashire LSIP.

As part of its budget submission, the BCC is calling on the Government to commit to fund business led LSIPs beyond the current 2025 cut off point, to at least 2028.

The study highlights the “huge potential of LSIPs to build on the employer led system, improve strategic planning, maximise the impact of skills funding and boost employer investment.”

Using research conducted in Autumn 2023, the report analyses the approaches taken by 21 chamber-led LSIPs, and identifies their impact so far. Data gathered as part of the research show that, as of May 2023, 65,765 employers had been engaged.

The research identifies a number of challenges for businesses, including “bureaucratic complexities” and “limited employer influence over skills spending priorities”. The report says overcoming the barriers requires “active engagement, open communication, and the advocacy of Chambers to smooth over the bumps in the LSIPs process”

The report argues that the LSIP approach will lead to a more cohesive skills system.

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