The FAQs highlight that with the exception of the businesses the Government ordered to close – please find the full list here: – there has been no Government ordered closure of any other business.
Where businesses continue to stay open, employers should take every possible step to facilitate their employees working from home. If your employees cannot work from home – e.g. if they operate machinery, work in construction or manufacturing or are delivering front-line services – then employees can still travel to work, provided they are well and no one in their household is self-isolating.
Employers who have people in their offices or onsite should ensure that employees are able to follow Public Health England guidelines including, where possible, maintaining a 2 metre distance from others, and washing their hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds (or using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water is not available). Where that is not possible, and there are many types of jobs where that will be challenging, the PHE/Chief Medical Officer Advice is that it is okay to come to work.