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Registration to the Supplier Locator Procurement Gateway is open and the Government is currently recruiting a variety of Suppliers for a specially EXTENDED 24-Month Registration Period of July 2021 – July 2023.
This Invitation is open to SMEs and Suppliers that are able to deal with enquiries relating to fast tracked, lower value Government & Public Sector contracts.
UK Government and Public Sector spend with SMEs is continually on the increase, spending in excess of £220Billion on goods and services every single year. By 2022, it is the stated intent of The Cabinet Office and The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) that £1 of every £3 of Government spend goes to SMEs.
The Governments SME Agenda and Action Plan over the past 5 years have seen Government make a priority of getting money through its supply chain into the hands of SMEs, by both setting targets and introducing new procurement mechanisms. Against this backdrop, the Wired-Gov Supplier Locator Service has been developed specifically to embrace the SME Agenda and provide a platform for SMEs and Suppliers to communicate directly with buyers and decision makers across the entire Government & Public Sector community.
The Supplier Locator Service provides a trusted platform for Government and Public Sector buyers to request quotes and enquire directly with Suppliers for lower value, less complex products and services where the contract is not required to go through a tendering procedure.  The platform also enables its Suppliers to communicate direct to Government desktops and to promote their capability to supply certain goods and services through its industry news and outbound communication channels.   
As a Registered Supplier of Wired-Gov you have access to a variety of services to assist in all aspects of increasing and sustaining your Government and Public Sector client base and sales pipelines, including those outlined below:

  • Supplier Locator –  Supplier Profile is embedded within the platform of the dedicated Public Sector Procurement Gateway, accessed by our Government and Public Sector buyer community.
  • Contract Locator – Supplier has access to a Personalised dashboard to manage daily email alert notifications for current and relevant Government and Public Sector Contracts, Opportunities, Framework Invitations and Early Engagement notices.
  • Promotional Activity – Wired-Gov Publish and circulate relevant Case Studies, White Papers, Success Stories, Product and Service reviews etc…. on behalf of its Suppliers to our Government and Public Sector Communities. Supplier promotional messages are also regularly embedded within The Official Government News Alerts to our entire Government and Public Sector Community.
  • Bidding Support –  Suppliers have access to Advice, Guidance and Support with all aspects of Public Sector Bidding.
  • Official Government Alert Service Subscription – Suppliers receive immediate notification of Government News and Announcements that directly impact on their business and overall economy including SME targets, Government business grants and loans etc…

Please see a summary of Service outlined below and if you’d like to find out more and receive full registration details, including Annual Registration Fee, Time Frames and to register your interest, please contact:  Janine Sloan –-  janine.sloan@wired-gov.org Call (0)161 938 8226.

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